Saturdays last too short

It was such a cool day.
Busy start in the early afternoon thanks to Dickens Festival in Deventer.
 I was pleasantly surprised by Hanneke with her tasty Darth brownie and Edwin's kung fu movie.
 Thank you so much guys! It's like Xmas started a bit earlier this year.
And here a tattoo that I did today. Damn pity that time shown his mad qualities and run out before I could finish. 

Il Vero Amore

Today my appoinment was cancelled. I tried to fill it up but it didn't work out.  I was stuck with unfinished drawings for big projects so I couldn't work on anything big today.
Asmidin came today to check on his dragon sketch for his sleeve.
He thought it would be good idea to do something small... and he got home with this:

So again "Thanks Asmidin for saving and making my day!"

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style The God of water