Abracadabra Hocus Pocus...

One done, more to go...

 I don't support destroying hoodies. That was not my idea.
Some parts fresh and lots of healed.

click to zoom

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu Style Milano business trip

Thank you very much for everything to my MASTER HORITOSHI Frist and All friends!!
Thank you for waiting to Japanese customers!!!!!
I appreciate to everything!!!!

An announcement & sneak peek

I’ve received lots of requests for tattoo appointments. And I am very happy that there is so much interest. In the last period I've worked mostly on big projects. Now, because my appointments gain bigger proportions and lately I am fully booked till the end of May/June. I prefer the regularity in planning sessions when I work on big pieces to avoid double work. Therefore, I need to finish the actual projects that I have now, so that I have some room for the new ones. That means that I have to stop booking new big projects for a while like full sleeves / backpieces
  At the end of February and begin of March I am taking new but only smaller projects to fill up the whole month June. And around April or May I hope to know more about the booking of big projects.
Please stay in touch, check the blog for more updates.

Here some sneak peek of some works in progress: 

Some small finished:

click to zoom